Friday, June 22, 2007

Whacking the parrot... is that a euphemism?

No matter where you stand on the Great Sopranos Debate, there's no way you can deny the appeal of a mascot eating onion rings. I know this clip's gotten a lot of play -- I first saw it on Keith Olberman's show (a rare bit of national exposure for the Bucs) -- but I'm sharing it now anyway… do your best to get over it.

Undoubtedly I'm biased, but I prefer this spoof to the one Hilary Clinton's campaign cooked up. She gets mad points for landing Johnny Sack and the carrot stick gag was worth a chuckle (yeah, I have been known to "chuckle"… again, get over it), but they got too much wrong… and you can't beat the sight of the pirate waltzing through the front door as "Don't Stop Believing" begins. I guess that means I'm voting for the Parrot in '08.

But if none of this appeals to you, I offer classic footage of a Canadian daredevil:

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